Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Carol Session -3

Be uncompromising in what you expect to be delivered but be patient with the people delivering it.

I agree

· Everyone has their own style and are able to teach it in different ways

· Provide reflective time afterwards

· Goal the same but how people get to it different.

It is about people work not power work. Sometimes people abuse their position of power when others don’t have the tools to get it.

Key Point Today :Working through Others

ü It is impossible for the Principal to do everything. The tasks, responsibilities etc can be delegated.

ü Accountability is always with the person delegating.

ü Through my role I have to delegate through others but I am still responsible for the outcome.

In order to work through others

1. Trust- in the others that you are asking to do

2. Accountability

3. People work

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership

Reading from ICT Cluster

I found this reading fantastic, I could relate to all 5 practices and it has allowed me time to reflect on where I can improve.

First I want to summarise a few points under each of the five practices as I feel they are of value to me and are the sections that I was able to reflect on my leadership in ICT throughout the school.

Model the Way
  • Leaders need personal credibility
  • If people don't believe in the messenger, they won't believe the message
  • Titles are granted to you, leadership is earned
  • Leaders have to stand up for their beliefs and be clear about their guiding principles
  • As leader you can't impose your values on others and expect them to commit. (This is where I have reflected and we are running workshops on the purpose of blogs and class pages so that staff see a purpose and can create a shared belief.)
  • Engage others to common goals
  • Create shared values and embrace these
This final statement really stuck with me as a sign of leadership
"Leaders do what they say; whether their words and deeds are consistent. Leaders set an example and build commitment through simple, daily acts that create progress and build momentum."

I feel that I do this I model good practice of ICT and support others in their journey meeting their needs along the way.

Inspire A Shared Vision

  • Leaders inspire a Shared Vision by envisioning the future and enlisting others in a common vision. (I think I need to do this better so have set up a workshop on the purpose of blogging)
  • Leaders passionately believe that they can make a difference.
  • Leaders cannot command commitment; they can only inspire it. What may begin as "my" vision emerges as "our" vision

Challenge The Process

  • Those who lead others to greatness seek and accept challenges
  • Leaders challenge the process by searching for opportunities and by experimenting, taking risks and learning from mistakes.
  • Leaders must remain open to receiving ideas from anyone and anywhere
  • Leaders know that experimentation, risk and even failure are involved when taking up challenges

Enable others to Act
  • Leaders know they can't do it alone. Leadership is a team effort. (This has been my greatest achievement over the last year, realising that I don't have to do it on my own and to use my team to help me out. Celebrating their successes in leadership with them.)
  • Enable others to avt by fostering collaboration and strengthening others.
  • Leaders proudly explained how teamwork, trust, and empowerment were essential to strengthening.
  • At the very heart of cooperation is trust.
  • The work of leaders is making people feel strong, capable, informed and connected.

Encourage The Heart
  • Part of the leader's job is to show appreciation for people's contributions and to create a climate of celebration.
I have been sending emails to staff who have been showing and sharing blogging with others to congratulate them on their efforts. I had fantastic responses from people.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Team Meeting 3.5

To we had an indepth discussion on planning. After sharing our planning and talking about the purposes, I feel confident that my planning is meeting the needs of the students as well as any other teacher that walked into my room and needed to teach.

One part I am still unsure about is the purpose of the unit plan. When it was being discussed I interpreted that the unit planning was for you only. However after reflection I don't think I agree. I think that the unit plan is for everyone and is just as important as the daily planning. I see it as the back bone to your classroom. If it is not sound and strong then you spend your weeks searching for resources. The unit plan to me should be detailed and focus but have room for movement dependent on the students as they develop through the unit.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Writing Reflection Term 1

Teacher Inquiry Focus: Student Conferencing
What have I done so far?
Students have a log and I have worked with 3 students a day on identifying parts of the matrix that they have meet well. Getting the students to tell me what they think they did well and where they would like to go to next. I record the conversation in their logs.
Students are aware of the matrix and examples of each aspect of the deeper features.
Students are able to identify what they did well.
What hasn't worked:
Some students that are more dependent struggle to write without support when I am conferencing.

Students struggle to identify where to next.